We are nawwa
When you breathe, Ehécatl-Quetzalcóatl which is the wind that lovingly embraces and caresses Totlalnantzin, our mother the earth, penetrates you and inhabits you with the memory of its journey and with your essence (water/saliva) which emanates like a sound river, ascends and flows throughout your cave (throat) and delivers sweet sounds between your stones (teeth). This is how the sweet and sound word manifests by itself; the word of respect that venerates everything that exists.
That is our Náhuatl language = sound water.
The proposal of nawwa
Nawwa, is a multidisciplinary collective of artists, engineers, lawyers and thinkers who come together in order to integrate a wide technological, legal and aesthetic framework for protecting the artists and their work, always respecting the creative and productive freedom.
It is essential to coordinate multidisciplinary and transversal efforts to protect the artist. Nawwa reassess the narrative and values to recognize that the most valuable thing in art is the artist and art is not just entertainment, but reason, historical and cultural record of peoples and individuals.
Nawwa as a gallery
Nawwa will promote artists in the process of being make themselves known, disseminating and valuing their work and person, create links with Mexican and foreign collectors, likewise contributing to promote both virtual and physical exhibitions not only for the artists and collectors profit but also for the communities where we are able to be part in the cultural outlook.
Nawwa as a collective
Nawwa artists are creators of different disciplines, techniques and styles. We are joined by our love of nature, our artistic career and our cultural memory.
We look for the multidisciplinary thinking of the collective to enable us imagine and express the unseen, we seek constant change and we understand that we are stronger than the sum of our individual parts.
We live in times where difference begins to add up and not be a stigma, with impartiality we connect under the refuge of our differences and we create social, legal and political spaces which embrace our cause for the best and greatest benefit of all involved.
We keep in mind that in history, at the end of the day; what remains is art, an indelible witness of the presence of humanity on the face of the earth: the sphinx, the caves of Altamira, the petroglyphs of the San, Bonampak... beyond the war, the "Guernica" and the works of Otto Dix endure.
Nahua (nawwa) is sound, Atl is water...
Nawwa brings the sound echo from the past with the sounds, traces and images of the present.
Nawwa displays art for the future.