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Serioshka Hellmund is born in Mexico City in 1968, where she presently resides.

She begins her formal studies in the visual arts in Florence, Italy. Later on, she studies at the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas in Mexico. From the age of 21 to 24 she visits the five continents, travelling constantly, as a lover of adventure and uncertainty, exchanging her travels with courses in Italy. She delves into muralism in 1998 with the mural ‘La Pasión’ currently exhibited in the Museo del Cerro de la Estrella in Iztapalapa, Mexico City. She participated in two cultural proyects through FONCA in the mountains of Oaxaca. Serioshka goes on to take course in the CAN in the University of Ciudad el Cabo, South Africa and Barcelona, Spain.

During eleven years she´s taken courses in Florence, Italy with Rose Shakinovsky and Caire Gavronsky dealing with feminism, art history, spirituality (as spiritual practice- the practice of the spiritual in art), the practice ´drawing is everything’ and a course in woodworking in Lesheba, South Africa.

Hellmund has participated in multiple collective exhibitions in Mexico and abroad. Among them, the following stand out:

The collective exhibition that took place in 2010 in NY, "Artists at Home and Abroad";
In Santa María la Ribera an installation for the exhibition "Encajados" in abandoned buildings in the neighborhood;
The Second Independent Biennial of International Graphic Arts of Saint Petersburg (winning honorable mention);
As well as in the IV Edition of the Art Biennial in Florence.

Hellmund has had various individual exhibitions in a number of cultural centers, galleries and educational institutions such as el Tecnológico de Monterrey, Ex-Convento del Desierto de los Leones, Sintaxis Gallery, La Estación Coyoacán de Arte Contemporáneo, etc.

Hellmund believes in the multiplicity of the artistic discipline. Hence, her work is not limited to painting, sculpture or engraving. She has made scenography, construction for movies and theater and has directed the theatre ‘Nabo’ of Fernando Morales. She also produced and participated in the multimedia spectacle ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ in el Lago de Chapultepec and has taught painting and sculpture privately.

Hellmund belongs to several cultural associations in Mexico and abroad.

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