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I was born in 1974, in Zacatecas city. Since my childhood I have liked drawing and for me the best gift at Christmas was prismacolor colors and drawing books.

I attended different drawing and painting workshops, such as the Zacatecano Institute of Culture workshop, taught by Master Manuel Denna in 1998 and the Julio Ruelas Workshop, taught by Master Alejandro Nava (q.e.p.d.), both concluded with exhibitions.

I studied Architecture and for personal reasons, I put painting aside, taking it up again for a while in 2011, to present an exhibition, but in 2020 I had a very strong call from the soul to take up the brushes.

I am passionate about the colors of nature, geology, skies and clouds.

When I see something that I like or dream, I want to have my own version and explored new techniques.

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